Pick-up and Drop-off
We have found that your child’s day begins the best when parents can make their drop off time routine and consistent. Please walk in with your child, sign them in on the sign in sheet, hang up their coats and backpacks, and greet one of our teachers upon arrival.
When picking up your child please sign them out on the sign out sheet and say good-by to one of our teachers upon departure. Please talk to one of our staff for suggestions and help if the drop-off or pick-up time is especially difficult for you and/or your child. We want to make these pleasant times for you.
Child Release
A substitute may never release a child.
A child may only be released to a parent or other authorized individuals listed on the emergency card, even if a parent’s permission was given to other individuals.
A child will not be released unless a parent gives verbal or written consent.
When a parent calls to say someone else will pick up their child, they will be asked if they are at home or at work, then using the numbers listed on the emergency card a staff member will call them back to verify it is really the parent placing the call. The parent placing the call cannot give us a number. If a parent cannot be reached, we will not release the child.
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If someone comes to pick up a child without a parent’s permission and their name is on the emergency card, we will call the parent before releasing the child to make sure this is what they want.
If a written letter is given, we will call the parent to verify it was they who actually wrote the note. This can be done prior to pick up time. (Not necessary if the note is handed directly to a staff person who knows the parent).
If a person is unknown to staff, we will ask for picture identification. We will compare the picture with the person and make sure the name is listed on the emergency card. This even applies to parents who are unknown to the releaser.
The approved pick-up person must sign out to prove the child was released in their care.
The pick up person must make contact with the releaser to state that they are going to take the child from the center.
If the pick-up person forgets to sign out, the releaser must call to make sure the child is with them.
When in doubt, we will not release a child.
Making Your Child Feel Comfortable
Here is a list of items to bring to the center to help your child be comfortable:
Two complete changes of clothes including socks
A blanket or sleeping bag for naptime
A small pillow
A laundry bag with a drawstring to keep your child’s bedding
Please label every item. We will do our best to keep track of everything that you bring, but just like at home, things do get misplaced and we cannot be responsible for replacing items. Parents are responsible for laundering their child’s naptime bedding. These will be sent home regularly.​
Parents will be contacted immediately if their child is hurt and requires special medical treatment. If we cannot reach you, we will contact the individual(s) listed on your emergency card.
Appropriate First aid will be given while we wait for a parent to arrive. If emergency care is required, we will call 911, and a staff member will accompany your child to the nearest appropriate medical facility as indicated on your emergency card.
Parents will also be notified for injuries that are not of an emergency nature (pinched fingers, bumps on had…) that might require a physician’s consultation, but are not serious. We believe that each family should make these decisions individually.
In the event of a fire the children will be evacuated from the center using the nearest exit and be removed to a safe place away from the building.
All exits are clearly marked and each center practices regular fire drills.
Our center is equipped with smoke detectors, a fire alarm system and fire extinguishers that are inspected regularly.
During a tornado warning, the children will move to the lower level near the kitchen, away from the doors and windows.
Children and staff will remain there until an all clear has been sounded by the city sirens or over the radio.
Payment Schedule
Payments are due on the first of every month unless you have made special contractual arrangements for payment.
Public School Vacations, Report Days
Any child enrolled for regular care at CCC is eligible to attend the center any day there is no public school and the center is open.
Children must register for these extra days in advance on the posted sign-up sheets.
Extra days will be charged in the next month’s bill.
Care will not be guaranteed for children who do not sign up.
Children who sign up and do not attend will be charged. Cancellation must be made one week prior to care.
Snow Days, Inclement Weather, Sunscreen
CCC may close when the Ann Arbor Public Schools close.
Please listen to WAAM radio (AM 1600) the morning of inclement weather or call CCC and there will be a voice mail message with closing information.
Many of our staff live outside the immediate Ann Arbor area, and treacherous driving conditions put them, as well as your family, in danger. Although it is our desire to remain open, our first priority must be the safety of our staff and families.
Please make sure that on sunny days you apply a thorough application of sunscreen before your child begins their day at CCC. In addition please leave a bottle with your child’s name on it with a staff person for additional applications as needed.