We spend a lot of time outside every day - rain, snow or shine! These are our recommendations for outdoor clothing & gear that will help keep kids warm and dry:

This can be key to keeping kids warm! Merino wool options are cozy but expensive. Poly/spandex blends work well too. They wick and it helps when the kids are running around and sweating, and then move on to another activity. Bonus is they can be worn as pajamas or as regular leggings.

Bib-style pants are the best. They prevent water from creeping up the back and can be worn over winter coats on those medium temperature days. Fleece-lined pants are nice. Having an underfoot elastic band is great for keeping pants in place over the boots. There are full rain suits out there too.

A good pair of play-in-the-snow mittens is essential and having a thinner pair that allows for more detailed play is nice, too. Waterproof mitten covers are great for the super wet days.
Where to Shop? REI, Columbia, Hanna Andersson, L.L. Bean and Lands End are some of our favorite brands, but they can be pricey. There are other brands that are just as, or nearly as good at the big box retailers or online. High quality, name-brand gear can also be found on ebay and at local thrift stores.