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Welcome Back!

Aug 29, 2023

We had a fabulous summer camp at CCC! Our performances of “The Trouble with Blaney” were a huge success. We had a magical benefit evening when many alumni and old friends came back to CCC to celebrate with us. We were delighted to see our indoor theater space filled again, and brought back our popular live stream viewing opportunities. Two of the performances have been uploaded to our Friends of the CCC YouTube page. The children did an amazing job on stage. The show, the parties every night, the memorable theater moments, and all the parents who made it all possible created a week we will all remember for a long time. The proceeds from the show, raffle, program ad space, and other donations all helped us to achieve our goal of raising over $60,000 for our Friends of the Children’s Creative Center Trust. This summer we had twelve scholarship children enrolled in summer camp and eight in our preschool program who benefited from our Trust. The Trust helps supplement the cost of childcare for families that are in financial hardship and meet certain criteria. The summer show helps with the high cost of providing childcare for these children. In addition, the foundation helps families with emergencies and crisis care, Christmas, groceries, and general support throughout the school year.

This show’s success was due in great part to the unbelievable support from our parents. Many of them spent countless hours painting sets, making costumes, selling tickets, designing and printing posters and programs, working backstage, and helping with our benefit night. We literally could not have done it without them. I am profoundly grateful for their commitment to CCC and the children whose lives they have changed forever.

We began camp knowing that we would be able to return to our traditional summer activities and experiences. We had our overnight camp at Emrich and four off-site field trips. The change we had to make in 2020 came in very useful again this year, as we were able to spend most of our summer outside and in our tent which was a great outdoor classroom and place to hang out. All in all, we had the best time this summer and had a lot of laughs along the way. Next year we will be celebrating our 30th summer musical!

The Staff worked very hard, the interns were amazing, charming, and awesome (most of the time,) the children were wonderful (most of the time,) the show was incredible, and I think we all had a blast. It is always especially moving to know that the interns were children who have been a part of CCC for more than ten years, the older kids in our show were performing in their fifth or sixth show with us, and that the staff just never gets any older. CCC is a special place, and I am so proud of all the hard work and dedication on everyone’s part that makes all that we do possible. Together we really do make a difference!

Welcome back to our returning families, and to our new families welcome to our Fall Program at CCC! The weather is still great, Michigan football is happening, new families are arriving, and the school-age kids are back in school. CCC settles down into a nice easy pace as we say goodbye to our summer campers and interns, and our preschool and toddler programs continue on.

For the month of September our curriculum will be primarily based on activities we can explore and experience outside and in our tent in the field. The plan is for all age groups to follow the same theme with different cognitive expectations designed for each age group. The projects will be designed to introduce the children to a multitude of cognitive concepts through creative art, writing, dramatic play, music, cooking, walking trips, sports, dance, and thinking.

I am so excited to begin the fall with all of our families. Great things are planned for the months ahead, and I am so glad we will share in them together.

With the weather still being nice going into October (knock on wood,) we will still have days dedicated to water play. We ask that you please send your child every day with a clean, dry bathing suit in the event they get wet. Please also bring water shoes, a towel, and anything else you think they may need.

We will still ask that you apply sunscreen every morning before drop-off, and have a sunscreen to keep here with their name written on it. We will reapply throughout the day.

Make sure your child has a water bottle that they can leave at CCC or remember to bring every day. It is incredibly helpful to have a label on this as well.

Accidents happen, and when they do we want to be prepared. Making sure your child has at least 2 extra sets of each clothing item would be great. If you need help providing those, please ask us.

CCC will provide morning and afternoon snacks, and lunches on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays this fall. On those days your children do not need to bring lunch or snack. You will need to bring them two snacks and a lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (And dinner for me on Fridays.)

We have four August birthdays and a September birthday! A very happy birthday to: Penelope (8/1 - 3 years old,) Joseph (8/11 - 3 years old,) Hannah (8/12 - 4 years old,) Arlo (8/30 - 2 years old,) and Amelia (9/4 - 2 years old!)

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