October News & Updates
Oct 1, 2020
For our current CCC Families:
September, our first month managing school age care and fall child care, has drawn to a close. I thank all of you so very much for your flexibility and support during these challenging times! We have lots of news about Halloween parties and plans for moving forward - as well as recommendations for outdoor clothing.
Click the orange "More info" link at the top of the page to learn about the fun activities we have planned for Halloween Parties on October 30th.
As the weather changes and becomes cooler and wetter, it will be important that the kids have outdoor clothing and boots that will keep them warm and dry. We will continue to use the outdoors as much as possible, as it is the safest area everyone. Check out the recommendations for outdoor clothing in the drop-down link under "Current Parents."
Every week we are going to try to do an exploratory day. We are tentatively planning these days for Thursdays, but inclement weather could cause some of those to be rescheduled. We will explore a new outdoor space such as the Eberwhite woods, the woods surrounding the field, Fritz Park, our neighborhood, etc. Kids should have outerwear and boots at CCC.
We will continue to utilize our outdoor space as much as possible this fall, particularly in the preschool and school age groups. We are keeping the large tent in the field through December, and we are purchasing some battery-powered heaters. We will utilize the inside of CCC as well, and keep windows open as much as possible and use air purifiers. It is our fervent wish that we can keep all of us as safe as possible, and follow the safety guidelines to the best of our ability. We will keep things fun, creative, and exciting! We will remain flexible and positive so that we can make this work!
We will be closed for Election Day on Tuesday, November 3rd and for Thanksgiving break from November 25th – 27th. Winter break, which includes Christmas and New Years, will begin on December 19th and go through January 3rd. You can subscribe to our Google Calendar, also available under the "Current Parents" link.
As always, thank you for your continued support of CCC and our community. Stay safe, stay well, and laugh often and loudly!
Laurie Atwood