CCC Needs Your Support!
Jul 27, 2020
A message from Laurie: Dear Parents, Families, and Friends,
I am full of so much joy and hope now that CCC is open and kids are here for Summer Camp! We were sad to miss out on the many milestones we'd normally share with our community during the four months our doors were closed, but we were busy:
-engaging our Preschoolers with weekly Group Time videos and songs from their spring musical, 'The Wizard of Oz,'
-providing free lunches for kids and families in need, in partnership with Avalon Housing and the Delonis Center, Lisa McDonald (TeaHaus), Phil Attee (Mammoth Distilling), Megan Turriff (M4CIC), and Smith Atwood,
-making upgrades to our outdoor play areas and building a new kid-size playhouse,
-gathering an amazing team of volunteers who helped us get ready for our re-opening,
-planning a fun (and safe) Summer Camp for the kids, who are thrilled to be reunited with their CCC buddies,
-reimagining our Summer Musical, our largest annual community event and fundraiser for the year - while still
-continuing to support our scholarship families, who are relying on us now, more than ever.
Which is why I'm reaching out to our community now for financial support!
For the first time in 27 years, I won’t be able to step out on that CCC stage to ask you for your support in person and the circumstances are even more challenging this year than ever before.
We’ve reduced summer tuition to make CCC more affordable for struggling families - despite increased costs and lower enrollment numbers. To maintain the tuition assistance, emergency funds, and other support for our scholarship families, we need to raise:
- $30,000 for the 2020-2021 school year and
- $14,000 for the 7 children on need-based scholarships this summer.
I remain hopeful and positive about the future of CCC in spite of our losses and the uncertainty about how the pandemic will impact us going forward. My dedicated staff and life-long believers in CCC are committed to keeping the Center alive and thriving!
I believe with all my heart and soul that we can make it with your help. Your donations will keep the piano playing, the sound of children’s voices rising up, and the values of respect, kindness, and dignity in all of our hearts.
Laurie Atwood
Owner & Director