May News & Events
Our preschool musical “Creepy Carrots” will run from Thursday, June 3 – Friday, June 4, at 5:30pm, with a possible potluck dinner following the Friday performance. Plans for that will be updated later in the month.
We will be having families make reservations for the performances so that we keep the number of people in the performing space at a safe number and we can separate you as much as possible. Sign-ups for seat reservations will be sent by email and will be posted online.
Families may sign up to attend rehearsals during the month of May. It will be great fun for you to see what we are working on, and a great way for the kids to get used to having an audience.
Click the orange "Preschool Musical" link above to access the rehearsal sign-up and the show lyrics.
We will also have a final dress rehearsal on Wednesday, June 2 at 5:00pm. We are hoping this final rehearsal will help prepare them for an audience on opening night! If you would like to attend that final rehearsal, we will have a sign up online for that as well. They are doing an amazing job! I hope you are hearing the songs at home. The show will only be about 20 minutes long. Currently it is an epic and runs a total time of 546 minutes.) You will not want to miss these performances. You will laugh, cry, and wish you had been at every rehearsal.
All the children in the musical will probably be a rabbit. Julia’s mom, Amy, has graciously offered to make all the rabbit ears and head pieces. I am searching online for some pants, shirts, and bow ties that will work for all the kids. Costumes will include either homemade bunny tails or the ones that I find online. Once I find the costumes I will either forward the link or have you give me your child’s sizes so they can be ordered and here in time for the show. If you would like to help with any of these items, please let me know.
I am looking for some brightly colored plastic or ceramic pots to plant some fully grown carrots in for the stage. If you have any that we could borrow for the show, please let me know.
There’s no business like show business!
When the sun decides to return for an extended length of time, you will need to make sure you put sunscreen on your child before they come to school every day. In addition, please bring a bottle of sunscreen to CCC with their name on it and put it in their cubby. We will reapply sunscreen as needed throughout the day, but we will assume you have lathered on the first coat. You may also want to bring a hat that they can wear as well.
Also make sure your child has a water bottle with their name on it at school every day. Thanks!
We are asking that the children do not wear crocs, flip flops, or sandals to school. They do not stay on their feet very well and they are not safe to play in on the blacktop and playground. I know they are easy to wear and very fun, but they are not safe shoes for childcare. Closed-toed shoes are best for outdoor play. I know it sounds hot and cumbersome, but it really is safer for the kids.
When the kids ride the plasma cars their shoes tend to get ruined rather quickly. If you have a beat up pair of tennis shoes that they can leave at school and put on when we bring the plasma cars out, that might save you buying new shoes each week.
As always, thank you for sharing your kids with us. I look forward to a summer of fun times, great parties on the deck, an offer from Broadway for the production of “Creepy Carrots,” a bikini body by June 1, and the wish that one of you wins the lottery and decides that CCC needs most of the money.