February 2023
Another winter month has come and gone bringing us ever closer to warmer weather. We welcome February, and look forward to all that's happening at CCC this month!
CCC will be CLOSED on Monday, February 20th in observance of Presidents' Day.
February is Black History Month. All month long the kids will be learning about how black history has shaped the world around us. The kids will have several art projects this month to help them learn about these important figures in our history.
Timeless Tales Theatre will present a production of Pinocchio on Friday, February 24 at 10:30am. All kids are welcome to come see the show even if it's not their scheduled day of attendance. you can drop them of for the show, and pick them up after. The performance is approximately 40 minutes long.
We will celebrate Valentine's Day with a magic show and dance party the morning of Tuesday, February 14th. Have your kids dress in Valentine colors and their party clothes! You can help us celebrate by bringing in 30 signed, unaddressed Valentine's cards. If this is not your child's scheduled day at CCC, they are welcome to join us for the party in the morning!
Keep an eye out when pulling in that morning, as there may be a semi or two full of Laurie's Valentine's gifts. Over the years they have perfected the process, keeping their time blocking the parking lot to within ten minutes.
We are planning a fun beach day for Wednesday, February 22nd. Have your kids bring a beach towel, summer clothes or bathing suit, and any props such as beach toys, books, floaties, sunglasses, etc.
Please make sure that your child has shoes to wear at CCC every day. Many of the activities we do in the gym require that the kids have shoes on to do them safely. Their winter boots are often too cumbersome to wear all day and slippers are not always strong enough support for the games and running. If you have an extra pair of shoes they can be left in their cubby. Please remember that everything you bring to CCC should be labeled. Thank you!